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      What does AS stand for?

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      Rank Abbr.Meaning
      ASAccess System
      ASAdvanced Server (Microsoft Windows)
      ASAll Source
      ASAll Star (sports)
      ASAnother Subject
      ASAfter-Sales Service
      ASArchive Server
      ASArea Security
      ASArea Source
      ASAustralia (including Ashmore, Cartier & Coral Sea Islands)
      ASApplication Server
      ASApplication Software (NEC)
      ASApplication System
      ASAir Speed
      ASAll Stars (Disney resort)
      ASActivity Start (ITU-T)
      ASWait (logging abbreviation)
      ASAcademy of Science
      ASAgent Society (International Society on Intelligent Agent Technologies)
      ASAmerican Samoa (US postal abbreviation)
      ASAssociated Students
      ASAssociated Support
      ASAustralian Standard
      ASArm Slave (anime)
      ASAdministrative Site
      ASAdministrative Support
      ASAdministrative System (Bellcore)
      ASApplied Science
      ASAssigned (Telabs)
      ASAnti Static
      ASAlpha Smart (electronic keyboard)
      ASAfter Sight
      ASAssistant Secretary
      ASAssociate in Science
      ASAviation Safety
      ASAssociate of Science
      ASAs Stated
      ASAdult Situations
      ASAdditional Shift (used on overtime forms)
      ASAdult Swim (Cartoon Network programming block)
      ASAmerican Samoa (top-level domain name)
      ASAdopted Son
      ASAcquisition Strategy
      ASAustralian Shepherd (dog breed)
      ASAir Sealed
      ASAnalog Switch
      ASApproaches Standards (school grading system)
      ASAutomation Specialist
      ASAsian Sensation
      AsAthletics (Oakland baseball team)
      ASAudit Standards (Public Company Accounting Oversight Board)
      ASAssault Support
      ASATM Switch
      ASAttachment Sheet
      ASArea Surveillance
      ASComplex Antenna
      ASAnswer Supervision
      ASAlarm Surveillance
      ASAdvanced Switching
      ASAuthentication Service
      ASAuthentication Server
      ASAngle Slam (wrestling finishing move)
      ASAbstract Syntax
      ASAdvanced Subsidiary level (UK)
      ASArsenal Ship
      ASAviation Support Equipment Technician
      ASAerospace Studies
      ASAerospace Corporation
      ASArea Supervisor (FAA ARTCC Area Supervisor 1 or more Sector Suites)
      ASAggregate Supply (economics)
      ASAerospace Society
      ASAmerican Standard (Piscataway, NJ)
      ASAbandon Ship
      ASAlignment Signal (ITU-T)
      ASSubmarine Tender
      ASAllowance Standard
      ASAuxiliary Steam
      ASAutonomous System (ATM)
      ASAdvanced Supplementary (education testing level; also seen as A/S)
      ASArnold Schwarzenegger (body builder, actor, politician)
      ASAsbestos Survey
      ASAlto Saxophone
      ASArtificial Stupidity
      ASAssistant Referee (Soccer)
      ASAnakin Skywalker (Star Wars Character)
      ASAdditive Solution (preservative to extend life of red blood cells)
      ASApprentice Seaman
      ASAir Superiority
      ASAir Station
      ASApplicability Statement
      ASAngled Single
      ASAsperger Syndrome (Asperger's Disorder)
      ASAscent Stage
      ASAdam Sandler (actor)
      ASAddress Strobe
      ASAuthorization Subsystem
      ASAutomatic Sprinkler
      ASAnalysis Subsystem
      ASAncillary Services
      ASAnkylosing Spondylitis (chronic inflammatory form of arthritis affecting the spine)
      ASAlessandro Scarlatti (classical composer)
      ASAntichrist Superstar (Marilyn Manson album)
      ASAuger Spectroscopy
      ASSickle-cell Trait (carrier; genetics)
      ASAccounting Standard
      ASAsí Somos (Spanish: So We; British television series)
      ASActionscript (scripting language used in flash, similar to Java)
      ASAdministrative Simplification
      ASAgency Services
      asAqueous Solution
      ASAcute Sinusitis
      ASAggressor Squadron
      ASAmerican Singles
      ASAudioslave (band)
      ASAgrarian System
      ASAccess Stratum (3GPP)
      ASAnatolian Studies
      ASAirlift Squadron
      ASAir Sampling (station)
      ASAnnual Summary
      ASAortic Stenosis
      ASActivesync (Microsoft software)
      ASAnal Seepage
      ASAcademia Sinica (Taiwan)
      ASAngel Sanctuary (Manga)
      ASApollo-Saturn (US NASA)
      ASAfterStep (Window Manager for X)
      ASAngelman Syndrome
      ASAdvanced Schottky
      ASAngry Son (band)
      ASAeronautical Science (Flight Major)
      ASAssociazione Sportiva (Italian: sports club)
      ASAes Sedai (Wheel of Time book series)
      ASAssault Ship (Eve Online gaming)
      ASAerospace Standards
      ASArmée du Salut (Salvation Army)
      ASAltostratus (cloud formation)
      ASAnonymous Sender
      ASAnti Sweat
      ASAmmunition Specialist
      ASAnti Surge (type of electric fuse)
      ASAcrylonitrile Styrene
      ASAirfield Services
      ASAnonim Sirketi (Turkish: Joint Stock Company)
      ASAviation Ship (US DoD)
      ASAuthor Space (webcomic)
      ASAggregate Subbase (construction)
      ASAperture Stop
      ASAhead Station (transportation)
      ASAmino Salicylic Acid
      ASAssault at Selonia (Star Wars novel)
      ASAlaska Airlines, Inc., Alaska (IATA airline code)
      ASAksje Selskap (Norwegian: Limited Company)
      ASAlayhis Salaam (Arabic: Peace Be upon Him)
      ASAuxiliary Submarine
      ASAft Shroud
      ASAnalog Secure (US DoD)
      ASAutos Suecos (Spanish: Swedish Cars)
      ASAblaufsprache (German: Sequential Function Chart)
      ASAnno Satanas
      ASAmmeter Switch
      ASAmpere Switch
      ASArticulation Score
      ASAnvil Stratus
      ASAllery Scotts Ltd (UK)
      ASAustin Servers (online gaming community)
      ASAmpere Sensor
      ASAuris Sinister (Latin: Left Ear)
      ASAryl Sulphate
      ASAir Seasoned Timber
      ASAutosavants.com (car enthusiasts)
      ASAcquisition/Application System
      ASAnaerobic Seeder
      ASAspheric Subassembly
      AS(USN Rating) Aviation Support Equipment Technician

      Note: We have 206 other definitions for AS in our Acronym Attic

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