1. Rudyard Kipling

        Rudyard Kipling(30 December 1865 – 18 January 1936 / Bombay)


        Poem by Rudyard Kipling

        If you can keep your head when all about you
        Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
        If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
        But make allowance for their doubting too:
        If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
        Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
        Or being hated don't give way to hating,
        And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;

        If you can dream- -and not make dreams your master;
        If you can think- -and not make thoughts your aim,
        If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
        And treat those two impostors just the same:.
        If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
        Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
        Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
        And stoop and build'em up with worn-out tools;

        If you can make one heap of all your winnings
        And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
        And lose, and start again at your beginnings,
        And never breathe a word about your loss:
        If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
        To serve your turn long after they are gone,
        And so hold on when there is nothing in you
        Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on! '

        If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
        Or walk with Kings- -nor lose the common touch,
        If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
        If all men count with you, but none too much:
        If you can fill the unforgiving minute
        With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
        Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
        And- -which is more- -you'll be a Man, my son!

        Poet's Notes about The Poem

        Poster by: www.posterama.co

        Comments about If by Rudyard Kipling

        • Shaun CronickShaun Cronick (6/24/2020 4:06:00 PM)

          I have a variation on Kipling's If theme I will upload soon.
          Nowhere near the delightful impact of his unique poem.(Report)Reply

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        • Ajushi Bridget R. (6/9/2020 3:53:00 AM)

          Wonderful and touching poems(Report)Reply

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        • armymandan (5/25/2020 8:41:00 PM)

          What the did you just say ab know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been invuaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kia would have held your tongue. But yocouldn't, you didn't, and now price, you. I will fury all over you and you will drown in it.(Report)Reply

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        • Galina Pasternak (5/7/2020 12:50:00 AM)

          Didn't realize links get truncated here. Was just trying to add this poem being recited... Oh, well... It's on YouTube and the end of the URL: watch? v=qR2V3SKVjlo (no spaces)(Report)Reply

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        • Galina Pasternak (5/7/2020 12:41:00 AM)

          https: //.youtube/watch? v=qR2V3SKVjlo(Report)Reply

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        • Bjpafa MeragenteBjpafa Meragente (5/3/2020 5:51:00 PM)

          You are full of, even corrected as finance does...Your the cat that...and other so so stories are really good. But i had you translation of IF at the hall my parent's school, and now I am great ans sapient and the school, once prestigious, propriety of some " ! efficient" others...umber of our knowledge and prestige. So, you must have been too preposterous for my forwardness...(Report)Reply

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        • Rrrandy Wurst (4/22/2020 10:55:00 PM)

          John A seems to miss the meaning of " twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, "(Report)Reply

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        • Vvguvhfhg (4/21/2020 11:39:00 AM)

          I just love poems like 9999 x 9999999(Report)Reply

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        • Kyvin-nash (4/13/2020 5:43:00 PM)

          Beautiful piece, true and nicely written(Report)Reply

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        • Julia Goudie (4/4/2020 7:19:00 PM)

          Truly timeless; as meaningful today as the day it was written.(Report)Reply

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        • JOHN A (3/31/2020 4:12:00 PM)

          The first paragraph of this poem so aptly describes our wonderful President, Donald Trump. Almost like the bible verse, " Before you were born I knew you."(Report)Reply

          sheila W(4/27/2020 5:20:00 AM)

          Really John A? ? ? are you kidding! ! ! ! - might I suggest you read this poem through PROPERLY -

          Mike Michaels(4/7/2020 9:43:00 PM)

          Poor Rudyard, he must be turning over in his grave.

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        • Vihaan GuptaVihaan Gupta (3/30/2020 12:45:00 AM)

          Rudyard Kipling's 'IF', instills a sense of positive forthcoming, the likes of which poetry like this, generally does - what sets this apart, however, is that within these verses, Kipling spells out the requisites for a virtuous existence, trimming the fat off it, and concisely putting it on a platter. My English professor, Sanjeev Nanda, had a particular fondness to this poem, he even framed it with glitter tape and put it up in our classroom.(Report)Reply

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        • Beryl JacobBeryl Jacob (3/21/2020 7:36:00 AM)

          what a lovely poem it is.(Report)Reply

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        • Riverhil1@mac.com (3/19/2020 12:41:00 AM)

          The best(Report)Reply

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        • Unica HijaUnica Hija (2/27/2020 7:41:00 PM)

          A timeless masterpiece.(Report)Reply

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        • Kathryn Hughes (1/3/2020 3:38:00 AM)

          If You want to win an iphone-X for Free. simply open this link thank you....

          COPY HERE.. .. .cashin3Already ReportedReply

          tbyububooh(5/24/2020 3:40:00 PM)

          another scam. cawabunga it is

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        • Ankwasa HarlordAnkwasa Harlord (12/27/2019 4:24:00 PM)

          Everything wonderfully done(Report)Reply

          Lawanda Spinner(1/5/2020 6:43:00 AM)

          If You want to win an iphone-X for Free. simply open this link thank you....

          COPY HERE.... .cashin3

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        • Orbiam SimonOrbiam Simon (12/24/2019 5:15:00 AM)

          Truly if I can concentrate to the teaching I'm receiving from life,
          If I can never crumble because I'm facing triers and tribulations,
          I believe I will do well in life. This is learnable.(Report)Reply

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        • Sandy (11/22/2019 8:29:00 PM)

          Ms. Trice, my 5th grade teacher, had our class memorize a poem every week. This has been a part of my arsenal in life since 1970, and here I am pulling it out again.
          Sending my love and appreciation through the years.(Report)Reply

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        • Kestrel Andres (11/10/2019 9:25:00 PM)

          I listen, I find profound meaning Wonderful recording To watch his face, priceless TY(Report)Reply

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        If Score Card

        User Rating:
        4,5 / 5 (1,279 votes)556

        What do you think this poem is about?

        Read poems about / on: loss, trust, son, truth, dream, lost, hate, running, friend

        Poem Submitted: Tuesday, December 31, 2002

        Poem Edited: Thursday, October 13, 2016

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